AR15 / M16 / M4
It works even though you seldom clean it.
It works as long as you buy the $9/ounce
special non-detergent synthetic teflon
infused oil.
It was last cleaned before entering
Berlin in 1945.
You can hit the broad side of a barn from inside.
You can hit the broad side of a barn from 600 meters.
You can hit the farm from the adjacent county.
Cheap magazines are readily available.
Cheap magazines melt.
What is magazine?
Your safety is a broad lever audible 300 meters away.
You can silently flip off the safety
with your finger on the trigger.
What is safety?
AR15 / M16 / M4
Your rifle came with a cheap nylon sling.
Your rifle now has a 9-point stealth
tactical suspension system.
Your rifle came with two dog collars and a leash.
Your rifle's finish is varnish and paint.
Your rifle's finish is teflon and polymers.
Your rifle's finish is low-grade shellac,
cosmoline, and Soviet toenail polish.
Your bayonet makes a pretty good wire cutter.
Your bayonet makes a pretty good steak knife.
Your bayonet is as long as your leg.
You can mount your bayonet and intimidate your foe.
You can mount your bayonet and make your foe laugh.
You can bayonet your foe on the other side of
the river without leaving your hole.
Recoil is manageable.
What is recoil?
Recoil is often used to relocate a shoulder
dislocated by the previous round.
Your sight adjustment goes to an uncalibrated
"10", but you have never bothered changing it.
Your sight adjustment is calibrated in
fractions of minute of angle.
Your sight adjustment goes to 1200 arshins,
and you've actually tried it.
AR15 / M16 / M4
Your rifle is used by
two-bit nations' illiterate conscripts
to fight
elite forces
Your rifle is used by
elite forces
to fight
two-bit nations' illiterate conscripts
Your rifle has fought against itself and it
won every time.
You paid $350.
You paid $900.
You paid $59.95.
If your rifle breaks,
you can repair it with a hammer.
If your rifle breaks,
you can take your rifle to a certified AR15/M16/M4
gunsmith, if it is still under warranty.
If your rifle breaks,
it is cheapest and easiest to just buy a new one.
You buy cheap Yugoslav ammunition by the case.
You carefully reload precision crafted rounds
one at a time.
You dig your ammunition out of a Ukrainian
farm field and it works just fine.
You can change between 7.62 mm and 5.54 mm,
most easily by buying a second rifle.
You can change cartridge sizes by pushing a couple
of pins and installing a new upper receiver.
You know that no real man would suggest that there
is anything other than
Favorite movie: Red Dawn
Favorite movie: Black Hawk Down
Favorite movie: Enemy at the Gates
AR15 / M16 / M4
You could accessorize your rifle with a new
muzzle brake or a modified stock.
Ivan Chesnokov
will tell you that you should not.
Your rifle's accessories are more expensive
than your already expensive rifle.
Your rifle's accessory is
a small tin can with a funny lid.
But it's buried under an apartment building
somewhere in Budapest.
You would really like to have an autographed
photo of Mikhail Kalashnikov.
You would really like to have an autographed
photo of Eugene Stoner.
You're uncertain if there were cameras
when Sergei Mosin was alive.
Late at night you sometimes have to fight the urge to
hold your rifle over your head and shout
Late at night you sometimes have to fight the urge to
clear your house, slicing the pie a room at a time.
Late at night you sometimes have to fight the urge to
dig a fighting trench in the yard to sleep in.
Service life:
78 years.
Service life:
62 years.
Service life:
134 years, so far.